Thursday, January 31, 2008

Time for some new progress pics!

Babysitting (HAED)

Autumn Leaves (Fleur de Lis)

Alhambra Garden (Chatelaine)
Now if I could focus on one piece instead of bouncing around so much, I might actually be able to finish something! But everytime I see a new Chatelaine WIP it makes me want to work on Alhambra, and each time I see a new HAED progress pic it makes me want to stitch on Babysitting .... you get the point! I seriously think I need blinders!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

A Fresh New Start...

I've always been one for new starts.
Whether it be moving to a new place, starting a new WIP, or simply creating a new blog.
There's a definite sense of excitment that arises from starting anew.
Perhaps this excitement lies with the chance to reinvent oneself...